Tuesday 10 September 2013

Organic Homemade Roselle Jam

The Rosselle is known as the Rossella or Rosella fruit in Australia. Our corn farmer, Hee has recently harvested his Rosselle in his corn farm and made jam for us. Jam is red and abit sour.

Jam Recipe:
1. Cook Rosselle buds with 30% water.
2. Constantly stir it until they become soften.
3. Excess water can be used to make beverage.
4. The soften fibers used as jam.
Tips: Only add sugar after turn off the heat as sugar can become toxic while boiling.

Roselle is used in traditional medicine as treatment for hypertension and urinary tract infection but to date still lack of sufficient evidence to measure it efficacy. The anthocyanins are antioxidant nutrients found in red fruits. They help to prevent aging and degenerative diseases.

Spread the jam on a home made bread, what a wonderful Monday's breakfast!

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