Showing posts with label Talk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Talk. Show all posts

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Talk:不簡單的簡單 By the Owners of Terra Farm, Cameron Highland

I attended an organic sharing session in PISA, 不簡單的簡單. The talk was given by the owner of Terrra Farm, Mr Ng and his wife.

Key take away:
1. They grow vegetables with original seeds. Not hybrid because they believe original species has the most nutrients.
2. Use grass, goat and cow dungs in their farm for composting. They don’t use chicken dungs, don’t use organic fertilizer.
3. Their land initially was all red soil, not fertilized. Now, the soil is black color because very fertilize.
4. Healthy plants has the leaf facing upwards to absorb the sunlight and has just enough nutrients from healthy soil. Unlike the commercial vegetables which are fed with chemical fertilizer(very concentrated), causing more water absorption. Hence, the leave are overweight and facing downwards.
5. Disagree with organic hydroponic because is not naturally grown in soil and less nutrition.
6. The farm is certified Demeter by Bio-Dynamic Research Institute in Australia.

Both of them are very preserve with the quality of their vegetables. I asked a question why their carrots has weird shape during the talk and they answered. After the talk, i found out they also posted the answer in their Facebook for sharing. They do care for our concerns!
And those are the compelling reason i ordered my first vegetable box and to be picked up next Monday. :)

Anyone interested to try the vegetables from Terra Farm, can purchase from Jusco, Queensbay.

Details about vegetable box's order and pick up:

Details about  the farm and vegetables:

Terra Tree House, a great place to stay closer to nature, can book via Agoda:

This is a very interesting video clip shared during the talk. Amazingly their two little sons were climbing stairs at their own. How many parents can allow this to happen?